Sophie loves activity camp . . . but is terrified of insects. It's so bad that she won't go into the tent on her own, just in case something flies at her, or she steps on a creepie-crawlie. But when she's given a compass by one of the other boys on the campsite, Sophie is magically transported to the desert on an adventure where they're impossible to avoid!
With the help of survival expert Bear Grylls as her guide, she will learn how to withstand the extreme temperatures of the desert and how to spot mirages, encounter giant camel spiders, deadly scorpions and snakes . . . but will Sophie overcome her fear of insects back in the real world? And who will she give the compass to next?
Sophie는 야외활동을 아주 좋아하는 친구랍니다. 하지만.. 결정적으로 벌레를 너무너무 싫어해요.
뭔가가 날아다니거나. 징그러운 벌레가 기어다니는 것을 보면 텐트안으로 들어가는게 거의 불가능하죠.
하지만. Sophie가 마법의 나침반을 갖게 된 순간 피할 수 없는 모험이 가득한 사막으로 이동하게 됩니다.
그리고, 극한 오지탐험 전문가 Bear Grylls의 도움으로 사막의 극한 온도와 엄청난 벌레들을 극복하는 방법을 조금씩 터득하게 되지요.