There is never a dull moment for Celie and her family in Castle Glower--even when they're not in the Castle itself! After traveling to the seaside kingdom of Lilah's betrothed prince, Lulath, Celie and her companions are busy training griffins, enjoying wedding festivities, and finishing construction of a grand ship built from parts of the Castle. But on their maiden voyage, the Ship steers them far off course into uncharted waters. Celie and Lilah hope that the Ship is taking them to the ancient island where unicorns once roamed, but as the journey grows longer and supplies run low, they are in trouble. Celie, Lilah, and Rolf know they must trust the Ship as they trust the Castle, but what if they never reach land again?
Lilah의 약혼자 Lulath왕자의 바닷가 성을 여행한 후 Celie와 동료들은 그리핀을 훈련시키고, 결혼 축제를 즐기면서 거대한 배를 만들고 있어요.
배가 완성되고 드디어 첫 출항이 시작됬어요.
그런데, 이 배가 이들을 해도에도 없는 낯선 바다로 이끌고 있네요. 이런...무슨 일이 벌어지려고 하는 걸까요?