* Step Into Reading Step 2: All Stuck Up
* Step Into Reading Step 2: Back to Dog-Gone School
* Step Into Reading Step 2: Barn Storm
* Step Into Reading Step 2: Feeding Time at the Zoo
* Step Into Reading Step 2: Here Comes Silent E!
* Step Into Reading Step 2: Little Critter Sleeps Over
* Step Into Reading Step 2: P. J. Funnybunny Camps Out
* Step Into Reading Step 2: Richard Scarry's Be Careful, Mr. Frumble!
* Step Into Reading Step 2: Richard Scarry's Smokey the Fireman
* Step Into Reading Step 2: Shampoodle
* Step Into Reading Step 2: Silly Sara
* Step Into Reading Step 2: Smarty Sara
* Step Into Reading Step 2: The Statue of Liberty
* Step Into Reading Step 2: The Worst Helper Ever!
* Step into Reading Step 2: Wild Animal Babies!