* 출판사측에서 표지 교체중인 시리즈로, 출판사에서 각각 다른 종류의 표지 디자인을 랜덤으로 수출하고 있는 상품입니다.
하여, 표지 스타일이 다를 수 있으니 참고 및 양해 부탁 드립니다.
* Tom Gates #7: A Tiny Bit Lucky
* Tom Gates #8: Yes! No. (Maybe...)
* Tom Gates #9: Top of the Class (Nearly)
* Tom Gates #10: Super Good Skills (Almost...)
* Tom Gates #11: DogZombies Rule (For now...)
* Tom Gates #12: Family, Friends and Furry Creatures
* Tom Gates #13: Epic Adventure (kind of)
* Tom Gates #14: Biscuits, Bands and Very Big Plans
* Tom Gates #15: What Monster?
* Tom Gates #16: Tom Gates Mega Make and Do
* Tom Gates #17: Spectacular School Trip (Really...)
* Tom Gates #18: Ten Tremendous Tales
* Tom Gates #19: Random Acts of Fun
* Tom Gates #20: Happy to Help (eventually)
* Tom Gates #21: Five Star Stories (Hooray!)