※ 페이퍼백 4종 + 페이퍼백 4종을 읽어주는 Audio CD 4종
<페이퍼백 4종>
* The Story of the World #1: Ancient Times - From the Earliest Nomads to the Last Roman Emperor (Revised)
* The Story of the World #2: The Middle Ages - From the Fall of Rome to the Rise of the Renaissance (Revised)
* The Story of the World #3: History for the Classical Child: Early Modern Times (Revised)
* The Story of the World #4: The Modern Age - From Victoria's Empire to the End of the USSR (Revised)
<비축약 Audio CD 4종>
* The Story of the World #1: Ancient Times (Revised) 를 읽어주는 Audio CD (8시간 / 7 CDs)
* The Story of the World #2: The Middle Ages (Revised) 를 읽어주는 Audio CD (11시간 / 9 CDs)
* The Story of the World #3: History for the Classical Child: Early Modern Times (Revised) 를 읽어주는 Audio CD (11시간 / 9 CDs)
* The Story of the World #4: The Modern Age (Revised) 를 읽어주는 Audio CD (12시간 / 11 CDs)