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그와 여러 과학분야의 전문가들과 함께 만든 Basher Science 시리즈는 국내에서는 재미있는 과학 시리즈로 번역되어 출판되고 있구요.
각 권은 해당 분야에서 필요로한 기본적인 과학 개념을 캐릭터 삽화와 함께 설명하고 있으며, 마지막 페이지에는 집약적으로 과학 용어를 정리한 포스트를 포함하고 있습니다.
* Algebra and Geometry: Anything But Square! (Basher Science)
* Astronomy: Out of This World! (Basher Science)
* Biology: Life as We Know It! (Basher Science)
* Chemistry: Getting a Big Reaction! (Basher Science)
* Engineering: The Riveting World of Buildings and Machines (Basher Science)
* Extreme Biology: From Superbugs to Clones ... Get to the Edge of Science (Basher Science)
* Extreme Physics: Take a Quantum Leap ... To The Edge of Science (Basher Science)
* Human Body: A Book with Guts (Basher Science)
* Oceans: Making Waves! (Basher Science)
* Physics: Why Matter Matters! (Basher Science)
* Planet Earth: What Planet Are You On? (Basher Science)
* Rocks and Minerals: A Gem of a Book! (Basher Science)
* Technology: A byte-sized world! (Basher Science)
* The Complete Periodic Table: More Elements with Style! (Basher Science)
* Extreme Weather: It's really wild! (Basher Science Mini)