Idea Man: A Memoir by the Cofounder of Microsoft Paperback (미국판)
번역서명 : 아이디어맨 - 빌 게이츠의 경영보다 폴 앨런의 발상을 배워라
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결제금액의 1%추가 적립
도서번호 91221 1:1 도서문의
형태 Paperback 미국판
출판사 Portfolio
작가 Paul Allen
ISBN 9781591845379
도서정보 페이지 : 384 pages 규격 : 14 x 2.5 x 21.6 cm

이 도서의 태그

#어른의 독서
    • 상품정보
    • 상품평(0)
    • 배송정보
    • 교환 및 반품
    “The entire conversation took five minutes. When it was over, Bill and I looked at each other. It was one thing to talk about writing a language for a microprocessor and another to get the job done….If we’d been older or known better, Bill and I might have been put off by the task in front of us. But we were young and green enough to believe that we just might pull it off.”

    Paul Allen, best known as the cofounder of Microsoft, has left his mark on numerous fields, from aviation and science to rock ‘n’ roll, professional sports, and philanthropy. His passions and curiosity have transformed the way we live. In 2007 and again in 2008, Time named him one of the hundred most influential people in the world.

    It all started on a snowy day in December 1974, when he was twenty-one years old. After buying the new issue of Popular Electronics in Harvard Square, Allen ran to show it to his best friend from Seattle, Bill Gates, then a Harvard undergrad. The magazine’s cover story featured the Altair 8800, the first true personal computer; Allen knew that he and Gates had the skills to code a programming language for it. When Gates agreed to collaborate on BASIC for the Altair, one of the most influential partnerships in the digital era was up and running.

    While much has been written about Microsoft’s early years, Allen has never before told the story from his point of view. Nor has he previously talked about the details of his complex relationship with Gates or his behind-closed-doors perspective on how a struggling start-up became the most powerful technology company in the world. Idea Man is the candid and long-awaited memoir of an intensely private person, a tale of triumphant highs and terrifying lows.

    After becoming seriously ill with Hodgkin’s lymphoma in 1982, Allen began scaling back his involvement with Microsoft. He recovered and started using his fortune—and his ideas—for a life of adventure and discovery, from the first privately funded spacecraft (SpaceShipOne) to a landmark breakthrough in neuroscience (the Allen Brain Atlas). His eclectic ventures all begin with the same simple question: What should exist? As Allen has written:

    To me, that’s the most exciting question imaginable….From technology to science to music to art, I’m inspired by those who’ve blurred the boundaries, who’ve looked at the possibilities, and said, “What if…?” In my own work, I’ve tried to anticipate what’s coming over the horizon, to hasten its arrival, and to apply it to people’s lives in a meaningful way…The varied possibilities of the universe have dazzled me since I was a child, and they continue to drive my work, my investments, and my philanthropy.

    Idea Man is an astonishing true story of ideas made real.

    상품평 작성 안내 및 유의사항

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    교환 및 반품

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    (특히 팝업북 등은 조그만 충격에도 책이 손상될 수 있으므로 주의해 주시기 바랍니다.)

    ** 반품이 불가한 경우
    1. 고객에게 책임 있는 사유로 상품이 멸실 또는 훼손된 경우
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    4. 상품과 함께 발송된 추가사은품이 분실되거나 훼손된 경우
    5. 고객의 사용 또는 일부 소비에 의하여 상품의 가치가 현저히 감소한 경우
    6. 물품수령 후, 15일이 경과한 경우
    7. 명시된 반품가능 기한이 지난 경우
    파본도서 혹은 오배송으로인한 교환은 도서수령일로부터 15일 이내에 신청하셔야 하며 이 경우 배송비는 웬디북에서 부담합니다.
    (단, 팝업북과 CD가 세트인 책은 책의 특성상 7일 이내에 해주셔야 합니다.)

    교환절차는 고객센터의 반품교환신청 페이지에서 신청을 해주시면 웬디북에서 새 책을 보내드리고 새 책을 받으실 때 교환도서와 맞교환 하시면 됩니다.
    교환은 동일도서에 한하며, 다른 도서로 교환은 불가합니다.

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    (특히 팝업북 등은 조그만 충격에도 책이 손상될 수 있으므로 주의해 주시기 바랍니다.)

    ** 교환이 불가한 경우
    1. 고객에게 책임이 있는 사유로 상품이 멸실 또는 훼손된 경우
    2. 포장 상품의 포장을 해체한 경우
    3. 고객의 사용 또는 일부 소비에 의하여 상품의 가치가 현저히 감소한 경우
    4. 물품 수령 후, 15일이 경과한 경우
    5. 동일상품으로 교환하신 후, 다시 교환하시고자 할 경우 (이 경우에는 환불처리 해드립니다.)